Thursday, March 10, 2011

Membebel di Mlam HaRy =)

hyeeepp ~ rajen nye ak bab-2 update blog , update bku tak plak ??? ngee . kesengalan pny budakk . aku nak melalut ape aryney ? excely mmg mlm ney aku takde mode . habes bertekak ngn my boyfiee . arghhh ! dye sengal ! really triple sengal nye bf ~ -.-'

td kt skewl dpt result math , hahaha . cegu takyah la susah-2 na marking paper saya . bg kertas math kat ako , juz mencacat kan kertas tuwh jee . da lahh result pny bgus trowk . haizzz ! bylerr laa koe nak pndai math ye eyrahhh ?? selain math , td dpt result sejrah n sains , hurmm , alhmadulillah laa , sejarah aku A .. n utk sains , aku mmg tak jangka aku dpt 73 .. eleyhh 73 je p0n , bkn nye 99% ..

seriously , sblum ney aku mmg bodo math n sains , tu je klemhan aku .. sblum ney mmg tak penah k0wd dpt B/A dlm sains , tetibe leyh dpt , hohoho , heppy saya td .. tp it juz ujian jeww laa , need to more stdyyy for pmr exm .

esk merentas desa , aku na lari laju-2 , hahaha ! (bajet gylerr !) n hope esk dpt result PIS , ustzh , i'm really excited !! , marking cpt2 plissss ! =) 

i hope youu like it , n have a wonderful smile =)